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Be wary

11/26/14 1:19 PM

#61198 RE: jotuk6771 #61192

That is a rather open ended question, which if you cared to read my previous reply is dependent on the assets and viability of the company.

I've asked you to show how, from readily available figures, FLPC can become an overall profit making company but not one of you has come up with even an answer, let alone a tangible one so I'm not sure why you feel the need to shout here?? ;)

If you want to answer your own question (I assume you have access information pertaining to the stock you mention) go check out the figures, the fundamentals are usually the best place to start your research. Random unsupported forum ramping isn't the ideal research tool but sometimes if the market makers see a chance for a bit of quick price manipulation you might get lucky if you get in and out quick enough.

UK house builders have done me very well over the past few years, stock bought at £0.08 in 2009 closed today at £1.30, wish I'd put more money into those at the time but what I did put in is doing quite nicely. I make that 1,625% rise? :)

A lot of people called me "negative" when I predicted the global financial crash, some listened and took action accordingly.