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11/25/14 8:03 AM

#128042 RE: Kool Aid Man #128039

'Kool Aid Man'? I'm rather grateful of your persistence in keeping the room current on Eddie Vakser's court proceedings.

However in research, I've learned that his court proceedings aren't directly tied to this TDEY/company!

But instead, was due to an alleged theft of valuable "Paintings" for which he was ultimately indicted (Date: 2/12/2014) and therefrom obligated to pay a restitution of $55,000 US-Dollars!

Source for those interested;
Here -> Input Case Number: F1400082 and click [Search] for complete listing.

If when doing the math as it relates to the number of shares that "Needs to be Dumped" here or in total amongst all the different pinksheet stock symbols under Vakser's wing (wink!), to raise $55,000 in cash, (wink!), can be shown in the following;

$55,000 / .0001/PPS = 550,000,000 shares!

Therefor, at least 550 Billion shares must be dumped!
(somewhere @ .0001/PPS, minimally, wink!)
-to raise $55,000 US-Dollars! to pay the restitution!

In other words, "Shareholders" of said Vakser's pinksheet companies (under his control) will likely pay, (or Virtually in part), for a crime "Unrelated" to their vested interests!

Ironically, if Vakser's alleged theft of those expensive painting had not occurred, this TDEY/company would likely be trading at or about where it had last spiked! Thus leaving this Vakser fellow sitting "free and clear" upon a bed of cash;

worth several times the total value of the painting he stole and since indicted for.
(So perhaps Greed and Stupid can actually be in the same sentence after all!)

Whereas, TDEY didn't arrive to those upper levels by accident and therefore it is right to say that it had (and potentially still have) healthy investor interests!
(That is, on the company's side, -wink!)

But, "DUMPING" is what tore down the PPS, likely to raise monies to pay, in part, for the $55,000 court ordered restitution.

TDEY, in and of itself as a company and/or its loyal shareholders, are NOT AT FAULT for what had driven TDEY's to its current (though temporary) tanked status.

IT was RAPED by the insider(s) to save "themselves" at all expense.

BUT as for TDEY, the company itself, its gears are still turning and their mission yet progresses forwards!
I do expect TDEY to recover quite nicely and in spite of getting its 'ASK' kicked (wink!), for a crime it didn't commit, surviving shareholders may yet reap unexpected rewards.


11/25/14 12:23 PM

#128046 RE: Kool Aid Man #128039

You seeing the actual court documents on that Dallas court page?? They haven't shown up on mine for the last couple of days. Just a white page and blue border.