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11/23/14 8:23 PM

#197706 RE: dia76ca #197705

Yes, dia, things are moving quickly

When Pfizer, Genentech, Bristol, Merck and other big-boy names get thrown around and associated with huge upfront payments and milestones on "downstream" immuno-onc inhibitors, you really start thinking about PPHM's value.

PPHM knows they have something critical that BP needs. When Gilead dropped $11 billion on Pharmhasset's phase 2 Hepatitis C drug a few years back, it shows you what's possible.

Hepatitis C is certainly a big market, but it's peanuts compared to cancer. Here's some ideas about a PPHM buyout scenario and how many shares you would need to become a millionaire:

Buyout $10 billion gives $59 pps; 16,950 shares = millionaire

Buyout $15 billion gives $88 pps; 11,300 shares = millionaire

Buyout $20 billion gives $118 pps; 8,475 shares = millionaire

So do you have at least 17,000 shares right now? That's a million-dollar question in my view.

Yes, we sit at $1.43. Because Wall Street rewards REVENUE and little else. But there's one little proviso:

The time to be on the right side of a paradigm shift is when most investors have no clue one is coming.

