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11/23/14 11:01 AM

#104417 RE: FORZANANO #104416

Why hasn't NNVC received money to fight Ebola?
1st. We are a for profit company with PLENTY of money to complete to process to show we have a product! Research outfits don't have the cash to pay their people on new projects.
2nd. The frugal way Dr. Diwan works is so streamlined it does not require a wheelbarrow of money to get to a solution.
3rd. We are doing it to prove our backbone works and this will propel Flucide to a very fast spot.
Good morning to all. And I am hoping that we are another day close to stopping people from dying from all viruses!!!!


11/23/14 11:49 AM

#104419 RE: FORZANANO #104416

I don't know how old your Information is but the U.N. Leader was quoted yesterday as saying the outbreak could be over by mid 2015.