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11/22/14 10:02 PM

#26000 RE: Canoepaddler #25999

The only real value from milestones will be data release and partnership. That is all that matters at this point. I am hoping if the partnership is good enough we get a spike like RNN had earlier. We shall see I guess.


11/23/14 10:25 AM

#26008 RE: Canoepaddler #25999

You'll note I'm not over on Yahoo very much. There is nothing to discuss, just cheer leading and arguing. When new info starts flowing, I'll post over there some more. I'm still confident, 100% sure that all 5 milestones will be met on time. I think all 5 happen in the first 2 weeks, we shall see. We know for a fact that there is a partnership, just don't know the details. I would guess it will be quite favorable, if it is not I think we may need to revisit some beliefs about ImmunoPulse. As to the current price, we should be around .70 IMO, it is staying low for a number of factors, the biggest is probably the 4 months of waiting from Sept to Dec. We keep getting told 5 milestones, but it turns out to be stacked heavy in Dec. 2 more weeks to wait.