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11/22/14 2:42 PM

#58859 RE: mwv #58843

'mwv'? you were told a typical "PINKsheet" Lie!

(Assumed to what you've said of their response was actually true.)

First of all, the alleged Annual $4000 OTC Filing Fee, (wink!), is "NOT" coming from anything of cost to the Insiders/Owners of this ADCS/company.

It's coming "FROM" their shareholder's investment capitals!


from YOU!

When a company sell its shares, it's "Supposed" to be doing so for said company's operational (startup) Costs or Capital!

And given the staggering amount of shares this ADCS/company has already SOLD (under the same ticker symbol, Ironically), over the course of years to date, in exchange for the CASH lining their wallets throughout to this very moment, the $4000 Fee is liken to 4 cents from a Dollar, to them.

Therefore, there's NO EXCUSE for whatsoever the reason(s) they could possibly muster-up as a crutch or scapegoat for why they've not yet progress as far as they've lead shareholders/investors to believe they would or could to this very moment!

But if monies raised from companies selling their shares was actually used as intended, (For Company Operations, rather than squandering), then they would not have this "STOP SIGN" label on their OTC Tier rating, which is actually due to "NOT" keeping company filings up to date!
Not the "supposedly" $4000 annual filing cost they've charged-off to their "shareholders"!

They're acting as if they're hiding valuable and "Measurable" company info!


They've not been properly recording/tracking their own company operations in order to "HAVE" a report to give!

It's CRAP like this that gives companies like these a BAD NAME in the faces of would-be investors.

Then dare to wonder why the hell their Company's PPS sits currently without a BID within a pool of billions of awaiting investors throughout the entire stock market.