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11/21/14 3:31 PM

#135808 RE: troy56 #135804

Only Pfizer's Embeda is a true ADT as is ELI200.

The other Drugs labelled by the FDA as ADTs are simply ARTs, all of which are easily abused by Street Junkies thru the know-how of charring to destroy all the non-opioid components.

Targiniq/Targin is simply a Co-Drug to prevent constipation and easily abused by European Street Junkies for over 8 years as Naloxone has a very short half-life.

Dr PeteRose MLB

11/21/14 4:31 PM

#135842 RE: troy56 #135804

If Purdues new drug uses the same hard shell deterrent to entry as OxyContin, and I would think it does, all anyone need do is charcoal the pill under a broiler or let it sit in vitamin C overnight to release the oxycodone. I've seen it done many times by guys I worked with. It's a little more of a pain but abuseres will do it for the high. I believe Elites drugs will leave only the oral route of abuse which is the lease desired.