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Matthew Berg

11/21/14 2:10 PM

#98670 RE: EZirish #98668

Mathew sending $BUY$ signals. Time to pounce on the shorts.

Yes I remember this same sentiment a month or two ago when MRIB was trading at $.01. If you have bought this stock in the last ten months you are totally under water. I just know they are an unreporting, unaudited and now limited information OTC stock with an insolvent company that has gone from $.05 to just about trips in a shockingly short time. No sales. Lots of undelivered promises and BS from the company. 250 million shares in dilution and more coming. And there are no shorts. It's been diluted so heavily that no one in the world can afford to short it let alone find the shares available to do so. Anybody who listend to this nonsense has no idea how things work. This same person was telling everyone to buy when MRIB was almost ten times the value it is now.