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11/21/14 10:22 AM

#40699 RE: drwwicks #40698

sorry to tell ya bud, I'm not an insider or employee of any kind of gpsi.
you also don't have a clue what a scam company is
scam companies want shareholders to buy stock that they are selling
gpsi doesn't care whether or not people buy stock
don't you really think if they were wanting to scam people that they would be issuing pr's instead of being completely silent almost this entire yr.
you've been here for yrs trash talking the company, predicting sub-penny prices, calling gpsi a scam and for what reason? really, what kind of person tries so hard to get people to sell or not buy stock in a company?
you can't provide one ounce of dd that begins to show gpsi is trying to scam people out of their money or scam government entities out of money.
BTW, does you son still work for a facility that uses gpsi?
That's what brought you here, remember?


11/21/14 10:34 AM

#40702 RE: drwwicks #40698

Morning Dr, you were correct about these guys from day one and I was 100% wrong to believe in them! I do not see getting back in as an option here! Too many secrets with GPSI,it makes me think that they won't file audited financials because it might just land them in jail! Anyway enjoy your morning and I hope all is well.Take care Doc