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11/20/14 10:11 AM

#117698 RE: SunTzueyes #117697

Samblis the scum bag trying to play people for fools .
Though no one is buying it. Literally. :)


11/20/14 5:09 PM

#117707 RE: SunTzueyes #117697

Did Steve maliciously deceive the Market with Radio-Interviews?

How would I be able to provide a link?

Now what on earth did the CEO do with that radio interview he did with Stock Traders Talk radio?

Kinda odd how the CEO talks about everyone else from Joseph Collins to Gayle Dickie. But...when it comes to his actions at time all we get is excuses. Like the interview where he clearly stated his company would get $192,000 per airport....he goes silence and on a deletion blitzkrieg

We are week away from Thanksgiving and 700 days removed from 2012...and yet the CEO still hasn't given the Market a SEC filing for the 4 year Clear Channel/Clear Vision contract. Strange IMO.....very strange


11/22/14 9:36 PM

#117722 RE: SunTzueyes #117697

Late filing needed to add up ZERO's?

Does the CEO need to file late yet add up IMO ZERO Revenue dollars?

Why has the CEO been filing late so much? I am not talking about him not filing a SEC 8K for the 2012 Clear Channel/Clear Vision deal. I mean his 10K he cooking the ZERO Dollar revenue books? Is he redirecting public funds else where?

What is the CEO doing with the public funds he raised selling shares....? Oh that's right Steve Samblis said he isn't selling.... Ha Ha


11/29/14 1:09 AM

#117750 RE: SunTzueyes #117697

So uh, when do you guess the next promo is coming? Just asking since you seem privy to the goings on of this crapshack of what appears a shell.