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11/19/14 7:44 PM

#44321 RE: d4diddy #44320

Cdex stock waiting for supporters

Yep the pump is done, Hangover, Coates, NIBA. Interest peaked, now it's down to watching the "funders" LOSE!
Come on get in there, bumfield is calling all suckers!


11/19/14 7:49 PM

#44322 RE: d4diddy #44320

Mr. Motta represents PEMCO which is the Lubbock Angels group. But the DOC has a pile of his very own shares outside the group.

Obviously CDEX, dependent on the IG4 for fame and fortune is deceased. The IG4 is just a joke, though not very funny.

So what are them boys up to?? And what are they afraid of that is preventing them from just doing it?? Why dump another half million to keep JB and his small crew alive for another month or two??

Maybe March or beyond before we will know...if ever.

Is there method in the madness??


11/29/14 11:59 PM

#44350 RE: d4diddy #44320


I have no doubt that the Cdex volume will start picking up.

How great is that going to be!