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Y U Axing Me

11/19/14 12:39 PM

#106592 RE: PhilipDrummond #106591

It really would be nice to know what Danny values his company at now.

you should ax him!


11/19/14 1:55 PM

#106594 RE: PhilipDrummond #106591

>>IF<< the CEO is taking a salary and/or is the beneficiary of the consulting fees paid, why pump the stock for penny flippers? Danny got burned buying high years ago and now with multiple PR's, the stock sits at .002 with no volume. I'd be collecting a hefty paycheck after watching this stock get raped up to .03 and whacked back down again by flippers. The store has been maintained and stocked on minimal dilution for well over a year. Job done. GLTA