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11/17/14 8:12 PM

#12205 RE: fred26 #12195

Going just a little further . . . what if company has hidden buyout offer right now . . . what better way to 'ace' us retail investors and get us scared and selling out?
The SEC would do nothing and who sues a pinkie that goes BK?

Personally, I do not like my possibilities . . . lets just wait and see what happens.
There is not much else we can do. Trust . . . But . . .Verify?
Worse case scenario . . . SEC probably would not 'Freeze Trading'in DRIO?

Diabetes is MAJOR cost factor in present and future Worldwide health care cost structures. Would not one imagine an active user bodily fluids mobile reader device, being BIG cost economizer in developing disease target populations? Why not some kind of initial active user status FDA Approval . . . similar to Orphan Drug Allowance?
Whats to hurt? Individuals with diabetic acute medical disease state . . . are losing limbs, and eye sight, etc. to this disease and suffering emotional depression (concurrently). The DRIO reader can help provide real time interactive support for such.

The board needs some answers . . . we are developing something that can help humanity.
It is my hope that my writing serve to develop a mature conservation with all posters.

You know . . . if we 'loan-give' our monies to a company . . . why not at least give us an active seat or two on the BOD? Is that too democratic a thought for a real company too offer? I think that would be a fine idea for any public stock company to consider. Or, are businesses so self-centric that users are just suppose to use?
Open Society . . . or Closed society?