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11/17/14 12:20 PM

#103994 RE: daBoze #103990

To date - NNVC gets so little attention because it has not yet accomplished two or three things to get itself on the map.

1) NNVC doesn't have a drug of any kind in Clinical testing as yet, and thus has no track record and no real credibility in the medical/pharma community,..... YET.

2) NNVC doesn't have an Ebola treatment in hand that could (again yet) be tested on a person in either a Clinical or Pre-Clinical situation and so has no real credibility as any anti-Ebola company,..... YET.

3) As a developmental-stage company that has historically NOT kept on a rigorous timeline and historically (to be kind) has been optimistic about when things would get done,.... the company has no track record and no real credibility in the biopharma community,..... YET. In particular - the lack of ready-to-roll production facilities hurts us a bit on this credibility front.

Get an Ebolacide2 through it's paces at USAMRIID that shows a realistic chance of being a useful treatment AND get the Shelton plant online and mass-producing 'Cides,.... that'll get the company on everybody's map.

That's the reality that NNVC has to work to overcome before 'we' are taken seriously IMO.


11/17/14 12:29 PM

#103997 RE: daBoze #103990

That's because those other companies can at least get their drugs through tox.