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04/25/06 5:35 PM

#27281 RE: chipdesigner #27273

Re: Common stock never expires. Isn't that enough of a hint for you to realize your mistake???

How about this one: if AMD stock hits $23.60 at any time before Jan 21st, I can exercise it and double my money. That's only 30% off from today's price. And if the stock falls to $20.40 and I exercise, I will have tripled my money. That would be a 40% fall, which is quite conceivable if AMD starts missing guidance and has to admit that Intel is gaining back market share.

Now let's say you want to go long at AMD's current price, which seems to be your recommendation. Given AMD's stock price of $33.50, you will need to get to $67 to double your money, or >$100 before you triple it. And I don't think there's anyone except Niceguy who's willing to put out those kinds of projections.

Of course, there is a downside. If AMD stock price never drops below $26.80, I will never recover my initial investment, and if it never drops below $30, I end up with zero. On the other hand, it's all a matter of risk vs. reward. I wouldn't put all my eggs into one basket, but I have enough money that I'm willing to risk this play to see if I can get a 2- or a 3-bagger.

And as it stands, I think I have a pretty good chance. And regardless of where the stock hits in Q2, I don't think it will have any impact on where the stock will be in late Q4 or early Q1, since I will not likely have any inclination to exercise my options before that.

Re: I nominate that for dumbest iHub claim of the year.

... no, too easy. <ggg>