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11/17/14 4:19 AM

#21180 RE: mdropp #21172

I am wondering... If he would have known where we are today pre becoming CEO, would he take up the job?

I would have to bet against this proposition.

Right now, I would bet he just feels stuck in a nightmare scenario and is probably cursing both greed and the guy who sold him on leaving a cushy job


11/18/14 8:34 AM

#21182 RE: mdropp #21172

I am glad mullen is not CEO because he couldn't decide on what to fricken do. 18 months and nothing - he could not make a decision if he tried. Scientists will never be able to run a company - they can only run labs. Broad generalisation but a lot of truth in it. So star what are you going to submitt anatabine to the FDA for? its been close to 18 months since they said they were working on it - yet they are out of cash stock is plummeting and has killed their access to private placements. you can't sell anatabloc - all in all this goose is cooked. I blame the patent lawyer that drafted the worthless tobacco curing patents. We were far to over valued with that case and johnny was making hay at that time feeding at the troff, going a little crazy bribing governers and diluting the be jesus out of the company. Anatabloc sales via GNC did not really take off in hindsite. Its a real shame that because there is a lot of potential and big pharma will pick up the patents for pennys on the dollar. Maybe that was always the plan because they have always had a large naked short position circling them at all times.