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11/16/14 7:26 PM

#38601 RE: Toofuzzy #38596

Hi Toofuzzy, Walking across the street is prediction and subject to emotion. It's just easier to do fundamental analysis of the traffic flow but let me tell you once you've been hit in a crosswalk with the light green for you, like has happened to me many years ago, your heart will do a little dance, like it or not, every time a crosswalk awaits you.

As to owning something for the rest of my life, the Social Security Administration expects that I have another 14 years and I'm sure that at least some them I'll be either too gaa gaa to care much or my daughter will be smart enough to take charge of her potential inheritance to protect it from my wild, wild ways of wine, women and song.

As to choosing "...those funds you want to own for LIFE..." that is fundamental analysis and very subject to emotional response. I do everything I can to avoid buying anything from Walmart, Amazon or using PayPal for a variety of reasons. It is primarily a visceral response to the way they treat people. That is an emotional response if anything is, but what if they actually make sense to buy their stock, a sector fund, or other ETF that has significant positions in them and AIM tells us to buy some to harvest profits? Should we do it anyway?

Again, it all goes back to choosing the right feedstock for AIM, which is inherently subject to our emotions as well as our analytical skills.

Then, again, we could, I guess, put ALL 1700 stocks in Valueline and the ~1600 ETFs into AIM and select the best after a few years, but I'm not sure if I have time to wait for results, after all I could be hit by the truck that is behind the bus as I cross the street. Also, do I have the patience to input all the data every week until we get enough data for AIM to wave its magic wand?

In any case I'm doing better than my broker was and that's a big plus. I know it is not as good as I can do but a significant improvement, and with the excellent help from my friends here I know I will learn to do better still.

Warmest Regards,
