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11/14/14 5:34 PM

#98717 RE: rockojjj #98684

Berge, is that you?


11/14/14 5:38 PM

#98718 RE: rockojjj #98684

We are not talking about 800k of debt in which you exchanged for 800k of assets that you still have. We are talking about 800k of TOXIC debt that does (3) things:
1) ROBS shareholders of their investment,
2) Lines Berge 'The Rat' Abajian's pockets with 800k to blow cause it is FREE money to him.
3) Makes about 400k pure profit to the Toxic Lender.

Everybody get rich, except the poor bag-holding schmucks who were STUPID enough to fall for Berge's LIES!!!!!!!!!!!


11/15/14 12:35 PM

#98734 RE: rockojjj #98684

An extra 800k of convertible debt after the millions he already took out in a company that has had zero growth in the past 3 years despite selling the products near cost price is very worrisome especially in an improving economy. Additionally for the size of the company 800k is extremely significant. Besides Berge is a lying snake more convertible debt is on the way!