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11/13/14 10:20 AM

#69315 RE: The Law (f/k/a emz) #69313

Jet Penny Life is also pumping emails out about OTOW

Paid awareness campaign?


11/13/14 2:49 PM

#69323 RE: The Law (f/k/a emz) #69313

I know huh!

Why would Val release this PR now? Even if it is a "Plan To" PR. Why I ask, ummm it's November 13th, TAX SELLING SEASON is here or around the corner.

Even if it were true, why would he PR now. Thats shooting himself in the foot. Might as well wait until Jan 30th to realease epic news.

These pumpers may get a tick or two but nothing is going to happen until the New Year....that is IF there is something of fruition coming.


11/14/14 4:19 PM

#69329 RE: The Law (f/k/a emz) #69313

Ah ha ha ha lol this guy cracks me up - he continues to spew this double speak dribble ...... Walter Mitty CEO .