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11/13/14 7:55 AM

#13905 RE: KC01905 #13904

Excellently put KC0

Love the car analogy. There is no chance in hell TransCanada would let the AOT sit on their pipeline this long if it didn't work and or show promise of working even better.

It's funny how all the bashers come out of the shadows when PPS drops and the go back into their dark alleys when the sun comes out.


01/17/17 7:24 PM

#36674 RE: KC01905 #13904

I think everyone needs to stay a little more focused on the facts and the report. Let's just say ... for arguments sake ... the lease was for 4 months. However, they were able to determine all of the results the needed to within half that time. We have NO IDEA what the results of the testing are ... just that they were completed within the timeframe given. Now ... logic would dictate that ...

IF this equipment work so horribly wrong, what do you think TC would do with it? What would you do with it. If it ONLY reduced viscosity .0000001% for 5" as some people would like to argue, but it caused the entire system work harder to get through all those bends and loops in the pumps, thus causing the pumps to work harder, etc ... that would all cost more money. If I am a company looking to MAKE money and SAVE money ... regardless of how big my pockets are, would I want to get this piece of shitty, misrepresented technology off of my line as soon as possible, and get back to business at usual at a reduced cost?

However ... IF this piece of equipment showed even the slightest hint of promise, but only needed a few adjustments ... what would I do with it then? You can nit pick and analyze and tear apart the report as much as possible, and you can make it fit your rose colored glasses any way you want to twist it. But if you LOOK at the report AND SEE what's going on, to claim this piece of equipment is merely a million dollar paper weight ... that just goes against logic.

Tcp died yet the promotion to keep it alive continues. In 2014 this post lays out the above logic on why TCp didn't fail.