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Replies to #44073 on lowtrade


11/12/14 4:51 PM

#44074 RE: BlindSquirrelFindsNuts #44073

I'm slowly excepting that the OTC of old is no longer. JMO this one looks old school. Probably wrong as I really don't spend any time researching anything in pennyland any longer. But if trends in price action remain, odds are the market as a whole will become known as a ghost town, instead of wild west.

I just posted how market makers M&Ms are dwindling, If the OTC VC niche follows, gambling on the OTC may be a thing of the past.

As for the Venture Capital industry, it seems to be booming. But in other niches. Lots of money flowing into second and third round funding of non public companies. Probably why we see TV shows on the subject now. If you ever watched Shark Tank, you get an idea of how rich big guys think.

The company owner gives their company a value and asks for a percentage of ownership based on that. Every shark cuts that value hugely forcing owners to except way less then wanted or expected. Adding the synergy of their experience to help build a successful start up. Usually owners jump at giving more of their company for the mentorship, over cash desired. But basic, simple and clean. The Sharks fleece the owners every show.

I find business start up funding interesting and have spent hours learning about it. Here's a link to help understand startup funding. Keep in mind this info is more about private startups then public. Public like the OTC is another niche. And we're discussing the changes in that niche now.

Will OTC VCs be happy with smaller gains and continue to fund. Or move on to a new area to fund. That's the question. Or will they try to resort back to the old ways.

Here's the link to study startups to IPO's. Great basic info !!! IMO


11/12/14 5:28 PM

#44078 RE: BlindSquirrelFindsNuts #44073

Last time I followed a message board was years and years ago. Now days if I scan a stock board because I see potential in the chart for a set up. The stupidity I read almost makes me cry. These people are laying hard owned cash down on bull chit! With next to zero understanding of what they are doing.

The herd mentality is just not my cup of tea any longer. Use to like discussing news releases and research OTC filings. But the scary social aspects of message boards turn me off. I'm more of a wolf then cow. Don't have that human herding instinct at all. More of a pack kind of guy.

There has always been pumpers and bashers. The scary aspect is still so many followers in a dead market. If VCs mindset is bit by bit now. Why even stick around. Go some where that logic prevails to some degree.

I've been bit by bit for years and no one in pennyland wanted to hear about that. LOL At least some big boarders have interest in TA & charting. Been trying to guide pennylanders away from OTC boredom for months at the board. Hope they start looking at small caps as the next logical step to their progression. and go after 10 to 20% small cap gains, instead of trying to day trade todays OTC. Successful day trading is much harder then learning swing trading.