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11/06/14 3:27 PM

#26735 RE: qweisackey #26732

qweisackey, I believe something is happening, but I do not think that it is presently good for the shareholder's, something is holding up progress here and I do not think that it is the sec. Trina has had a horrible track record and I think that based on what has happened in the past when Trina was not able to close like on the deal last year, we may be seeing the same situation evolving here, too quiet for too long. As in the past and probably now, Trina has said that he was doing his best but that someone else or thing was holding up the completing of a deal. One can only put off completing business, deals for so long then they are caught up with, then the whole house starts to fall down. Look at the past here and in most cases, especially with a pinky, everything starts to crumble and the key owners of a business start the whole process again, RS, increase shares, and another bunch of folks come in, regular shareholder's, they, for the most part, loose their shirts, and time keeps passing without real progress, key management does not loose for they issue themselves new or more preferred class A stock and so goes the soap opera. By gee, I hope that I am wrong but something is amiss here and in time I believe that it will show up. My own honest realistic opinion, watch the days ahead to the end of this year, something has to give here, one way or another.