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11/06/14 12:14 PM

#29687 RE: ninertango #29686

Should anyone like it?

There hasn't been much public information about it. Stan Lee certainly doesn't seem to be excited about it. He missed talking about it at two different comic cons. He hasn't mentioned anything about what was talked about out of his own "Zodiac" panel from the Comikaze Expo.

Information about it from the New York comic con came out a month after the con was over. Normally stuff takes a few days at most. Why was this? Did Disney and Stan collude to hold out information until the Comikaze Expo?

Also, I think people can like "Zodiac", but not bother purchasing stock in Stan Lee's company.

I still like the concept, but it's hard to get excited when you are out of the information loop. Maybe this is some "Bizarro" marketing scheme to get people to talk about it.


11/06/14 11:27 PM

#29692 RE: ninertango #29686

I really hope Zodiac is big, movie, toys, the whole thing. That would great.


11/07/14 6:27 PM

#29693 RE: ninertango #29686

I thought about this some more.

I'm far less enthusiastic about "Zodiac" now compared to last year. Stan missing a couple of good chances to talk it up, is what killed my enthusiasm. No video from the Comikaze Expo "Zodiac" panel isn't helping.

I still think it's being set up for a movie or TV franchise. I'm not sure if that would be dependent on book sales, though. I'll still probably buy a few copies of the first edition, if I can.

I found out that January is a slow month for book sales. There is a very good chance that enough will be sold to make some "Bestsellers" lists. It would only takes 5,000 to 9,000 sold books per week.