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11/06/14 10:31 AM

#246964 RE: Meow D itchy Kitty #246963

You've been a shareholder for a while. Do you know why it peaked a couple of times this year to .1? Was there news or something?


11/06/14 10:34 AM

#246966 RE: Meow D itchy Kitty #246963

Wish you the best in your endeavour to seek out the truth.


11/06/14 10:37 AM

#246967 RE: Meow D itchy Kitty #246963

I don't think management is wasting their time reading stock message boards. They are growing NTEK through efforts in multiple divisions. They have far too much on their plate that is why they have someone handling investor relations. If you are sincere I suggest you contact them with your concerns. Go NTEK!!!

Hattori Hanzo

11/06/14 10:49 AM

#246973 RE: Meow D itchy Kitty #246963

"Things happen in life we can not plan for"

The federal govt proved Dave DID plan for at least a couple things, like planning to commit fraud, which the dunce admitted to

This is a scam


11/06/14 10:50 AM

#246974 RE: Meow D itchy Kitty #246963

First Meow, I would suggest reading the letter to shareholder issued a few months back which explains what has been going on in respect to the issue of restricted shares.

For the other questions. Call Christian Hansen at 858-381-4677 who will be more than happy to discuss the other concerns and why the company is waiting to make such announcement. If, needed, leave a message and the WILL call you back.....

Crazy Money

11/06/14 6:36 PM

#247165 RE: Meow D itchy Kitty #246963

David Foley is still tryin' to stay out of REAL PRISON... NTEK