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11/06/14 12:35 AM

#12930 RE: yellolab #12924

How did it get so expensive so fast to produce Gold?
Exec salaries? Management salaries and workers payroll increases, all went up that much so fast? Six years ago Gold was around $700 an ounce, and miners which produced were profitable. And 10 years ago Gold was $450 to $500 an ounce. How do production costs rise so much so fast? You said spending. Management on themselves? $$ siphoning? And has not technology to produce gold become more efficient? The fast rise in 'excessive' costs to produce seems to outweigh the price of Gold itself, I suppose hence the Gold price re-balance lower to which you refer. Seems Gold could be down to sideways for a little while once she bottoms. Like a year. Though, global events would alter that, likely so.

But then I remember to consider other countries loading up on real Gold, and claims of the 'real' global price based on purchases by and deliveries of tonnes of physical Gold to other countries, and the Western manipulation to force down the price of Gold (on paper, or is it?). Then a 'maybe' on that sideways theory. It may happen, it may get extended, but ain't gonna last. Gonna be a global squeeze and re-set.