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11/11/14 3:25 PM

#84092 RE: $heff #83988

New Economy Portfolio..exited a position in a stock with a 10% gain from $3.84 entry.

Alert..exited $CERS at $4.23 from $3.84 entry on 11/5 for a 10% gain in the New Economy Portfolio. (link back)

May look to re-enter before news comes out regarding the IDE for INTERCEPT for the treatment of Ebola convalescent plasma.



11/18/14 3:39 PM

#84238 RE: $heff #83988

CERS- is it true that the 11/21 date is no longer in play and the FDA have an ad-com scheduled for 12/2/14 to review the treatment of Ebola convalescent plasma