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11/04/14 6:41 PM

#29679 RE: Hole shot King #29678

Yeah, I saw the article. I didn't think it needed to be posted since it's just a contest. It seems to be PR for LiveJournal not POW!. I wonder how much they paid Stan to be on there.

I don't understand why that New York comic con "Zodiac" article just popped up. NYCC was almost a month ago. It's hard to tell if anyone is exited about it. (Edit) It certainly didn't get the Internet circulation that the possible Bollywood "Chakra" movie article got. That circulated all over the place for about a week.

I guess that's it for POW! stuff, until the next Comikaze Expo. I'm thinking there isn't a need to follow the company anymore, just follow the share price. Stan doesn't want to talk details, especially to his shareholders, nothing to follow.

I expect the share price will go sub-penny soon, especially if another loss is recorded on the Q3 report (Nov. 14th). POW! will probably go silent until the 10K (end of March 2015). Lots of time to accumulate shares in the sub-penny range.


11/05/14 5:44 PM

#29680 RE: Hole shot King #29678

Ha ha ha. I know how you feel. I read "one of his most ambitious projects yet," and it's about what? finding Stan Lee's biggest fan? Benefit to POWN and its investors? Zero, nada, zip, 0, rien, bumpkis, null, jack squat, the big donut hole.