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11/03/14 11:42 PM

#86009 RE: Tradescott818 #86002

I say don't worry about what TRTC will do next, concentrate on what to do with any hard and fast pps run over the next week/month/end of year.

Decide what to do with the shares you own if it runs hard and fast.

Hold them all for the long haul.

Or sell for whatever percentage profit you decide (30, 100, 200 percent etc).

Or trim your shares for cash you need back for other purposes and hold the rest of the shares.

I think I "might" sell 1/4 of my shares to recover the full purchase price of all my shares, and then let the other 3/4 "free" shares ride. That is of course, if/when we hit a *4 of my purchase price.

My pps is 15,000 shares times average .4158, so if I sell 1/4 over $1.67 I have all my investment back plus 11,250 "free" shares. I might sell 1/3 at $1.24 if it doesn't run as hard as I think it will, getting my total investment back and 10,000 "free" shares.

I would let it all ride, but I need some cash for end of year annual bills. I do have 7 other stocks I could sell instead, or raid my 401K or savings instead.

Decisions decisions.