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11/03/14 9:35 PM

#38521 RE: SFSecurity #38518

Hi Allen, Re: Newport...............

I run multiple copies of Newport. Each portfolio is a collection of investments for a specific purpose or person.

That way the investments don't get all tangled up. Even settings on the same investment in different portfolios can be kept if the goals are different.

The only downside is that if you own IBM in several portfolios, you need to enter the price of IBM in each Newport. Other than that bit of tedium, it works just fine.

In this way, I can keep my wife's retirement account all separate from my own. I can keep my investments separate from others. I can also keep mock portfolios of things I'm studying in their own installation of Newport.

The default cash in Newport is equal to 1/2 the investment amount, but you can set it wherever you want at the time of setup. Also, Portfolio Control is defaulted to the value of the shares time the cost entered. So, if you are starting Newport with investments that are already running, you can enter the original data and trades made to bring it current.

Also, Portfolio Control can be brought up with SHIFT F4. There you can test/change it to another value if needed.

If you want to start Newport at some time in the past, do so by setting the install date to that earlier time. You'll need to fill in the weekly data since that time.

Newport's HELP section (hit F1) is pretty good so you can reference that when you need to.

Hope this helps.
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11/04/14 12:51 AM

#38522 RE: SFSecurity #38518

RE: Newport multiple accounts

Hi Allen

The AIM QA board has some Newport guidance postings that may be of help

Being a relatively small program in modern day terms, just copying all of the executables etc. to separate directories provides the account separation. c:\investing/bob\... c:\investing\tom\... etc.

