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11/02/14 7:39 AM

#44205 RE: d4diddy #44202

CDEX Inc Desperate for new TOY!

I agree with you Amanita, I think if Coates is going to get involved with the development of the iG4 into an actual product that works it's going to take time.

Coates will probably only suggest that they change hacked Ramen systems. Coates can do that comfortable from his house here in the east without ever wasting his time at the strip mall joke they call headquarters of cdex. And, yes, cdex has pushed half baked toys to get fools to support their SCAM. Calling them products is a big stretch!

And Poteet is neck deep in all this nonsense.

UNDER STATEMENT! Neck deep, his whole life style has been paid for by the SCAM over a period of 15 years. Some are still clueless believers who year after year are suckered out of their monies.


11/02/14 10:11 AM

#44207 RE: d4diddy #44202


Hum, he got involved in August..................... then off to the NIBA.......................... then out of no where comes a SIX MONTH line of credit, from the CEO and one of Cdex's longest and largest investors............................ but there is doubt as to Dr. Coates actual involvement at the Cdex offices, really?

And Now, the distinguished Dr. Coates is being accused of taking part in a Science that is a scam, LLLLLOOOOOLLLLL, amazing to say the least. duh wash it , duh rinse it, and din repeat it, lol.

What one might should have said................. but with determination and perseverance, THE FINISHED PRODUCT WILL COME OUT.