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11/01/14 3:14 PM

#55719 RE: piece o mind #55717

Markets are, as we've all learned, a tad hard to predict. Lot's of PhD dissertations have been written about what makes stocks go up and down, but still, remarkably, nobody has developed a reliable crystal ball.

What to do?

1. DD
2. Invest in what you know and understand.
3. Appreciate that there's risk (long and short run);
4. Understand that there may well be a disconnect between potential value (and future revenues) and the stock market's perception of same.

So, while nothing new here at all, what's the punch line for Ariad??

Many here have done DD, myself included. We have a reasonable idea of the potential value of existing products, and are hopeful that the next promised "BIC" molecule will we on part with two current products. We appreciate that there's risk, and that stocks are volatile - especially in the short run, and even more so for biotechs.

So given all this, why the morbid preoccupation with Harvey? Simple. Many here, and perhaps with good reason, are bitter about losing so much money (paper value or otherwise) b/c Harvey was at the helm during the flash crash. So he's the bad guy. I get it.

But that bitterness, however deep and potentially well justified, is simply not relevant for the future of this equity.