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11/01/14 12:41 PM

#9947 RE: TampaInvester #9944

Many people get trapped by this false logic.
If you invest $1000, and it drops to $300, future decisions should not be based on past events.
You have to look at the current numbers. You have $300. Doesn't matter what it used to be. The question is starting today, what is the best thing to do with $300 ? If you really think it will go up, hold. If not, sell and put your $300 into something else. But do some homework BEFORE buying another stock.

"... I do not think there is any point selling now if am already 70% down. Do not need the money for trading. What is our opinions? Should I sell or keep it?"


11/01/14 12:46 PM

#9948 RE: TampaInvester #9944

Averaging down is another concept I don't understand, unless you truly believe it's a quality stock. Otherwise it's just throwing good money after bad. If you have $30,000 to invest in this 1 stock, I assume your total portfolio must be pretty big. I hope you are diversified, 90 % in quality, and 10% play money in these super risky stocks.

"I am a newbie in trading and got sucked into this and kept averaging down to a point that i now own 515k shares average at 0.07. Already down 70% i.e 24k."


11/01/14 1:25 PM

#9953 RE: TampaInvester #9944

Tampa Im not going to pretend to be an expert, because Im not. Ive seen and watched enough of these to tell you that OTC pennies with Revolving Credit Lines or Equity Lines (and limited revenue), whatever they want to call it tend to be bad news.

They can really only be flipped, and never held for long term IMHO. Sooner or later they always seem to end up at .0001. Research these creditors and other companies that they have given these type of loans to and see what has happened to those other companies long term.

If we are lucky enough to see .07 again anytime soon I would sell and run away from this one as fast as you can.

When the dust clears here, this company is going to be lucky if there is not at least an SEC investigation IMHO. Weve had a month here that has seen over 30 million USD in total share volume (and the O/S double-triple in size??), I can pretty much guarantee that 30% if not more of that went straight into new shares being dumped into the market. I wouldnt be surprised if it was as high as 50%, but realistically, its probably somewhere in between.....there's going to be a bunch of pissed off folks complaining to the SEC IMHO....

So 10-15 million USD in new shares were dumped into the market over the last month here....that money went to probably 3-5 different entities, the CEO and CFO had to be involved to make it happen. I dont see how you can trust a CEO and CFO that would do something like this in the future or even long term.

This is all IMHO, so take it as you may, but if you see that .07 again, take it and run. I wouldnt put more than a few thousand USD into any penny stock in the future, your better off trading 5 different companies with a few K in each than 1 with way too much money invested in it, its just too risky.

Dont ever get too greedy in these, many folks trade for just 50% profit, some for 100%, if your lucky enough to be in one that goes on a mega run go with the flow, but realize that that is much more rare, if you have to take a loss in one take it move on and make your money back in your other trades....all IMHO....GLTY.....$2014