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11/01/14 2:10 PM

#3711 RE: Renee #3710

KADR may not exist but the private company could use the KADR shell to go public once again right? The unsecured debt that is still in the shell could be converted to equity in the new company. Insiders and shareholders could get shares in the new company. The reorg would also allow the new company to use the net operating losses for tax savings purposes.
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11/03/14 5:56 PM

#3713 RE: Renee #3710

"Regardless to what Arcadia may or may not do after the KADR stock is revoked the KADR shareholders no longer have any stake in the company, unless shareholders decided to sue. *** I wrote a post about that a few weeks ago."

How is this possible Rene? How can the SEC take away equity(property) from shareholders(causing a tort or harm to them) without a chapter 7 or 11 or disolution vote? I would like you to explain this because it does not make sense without going through the courts. If this is the case then who owns the proprietary rights and any contract rights, patent rights, copywrite rights, etc. the company holds without a disolution vote(yes, shareholders have to vote for this Rene in Nevada look it up right here or a chapter 11 or 7 officially giving all of the equity in the company to the creditors?

IMHO, if the stock is revoked, the stock would just become a cusip number I am guessing but that would just convert rights to a certain percentage of the company equity wise based on the share structure when revoked. How does this not make sense? How could this not be the case unless the SEC has the ability to take equity from shareholders just because a company is dark? I could be very wrong on this, but I will say on the other hand what you are saying about not having any stake at all if revoked really does not make sense and is implying that the SEC can take away shareholder ownership stake(property)in ANY CORPORATION just because it has not filed its reports. I will say it again, if this was the case legally I would assume there would be many companies doing this rather then buying back shares or other ways of going private and removing shareholders eqity.

So, the bottom line Rene, if this is the case, please give examples of other companies or situations where this has happened since I know you are an expert on revocations? Not shell companies that never had a value or operations or were a scam or ones that were being pursued for fraud or something by the SEC. We want to see ones like this one that had patents and other proprietary rights and many subsidiary rights and tentacles whose value is to be determined at this point and was a 100m a year revenue company right before this happened.

If you can not come up with a viable comparision then we need to stick to what you think MAY happen not acting like you know it all and telling us unequivically what will happen. There are so many different scenarios with companies and legal technicalities that when you start just grouping all of them together like you are doing thinking you know exactly what is going to happen here as an end you are being hasty even if you do end up being right in the end.

I myself know I do not know what will happen for sure and am humble about that. You, on the other hand, seem a little to sure of the outcome. I know you are very very good at suspensions and revocations and understand and study those and grey market stocks. But, one question I would have is where do you benefit from all this work you do on here Rene? I would love to hear an answer to that question. Do you work for IHUB? I guess I am confused why you spend so much of your own personal time on all this and I do not think for peoples information is a valid answer considering IHUB is an investors board unless you work for IHUB. Also, do you own stock here? When did you buy it? Are you an investor in grey market stocks overall? I have owned KADR for about 2 to 2.5 years and have not sold any since I bought it. Just a question.