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10/31/14 2:53 PM

#103136 RE: Its_lose_not_loose #103135

A farble! Now that is a new one!

I predict the share price will farble all over the place for a littlle longer because everything 'seems' to be in limbo, even tho it is not.

Behind the scenes the team at NNVC are working their buns off and things are actually cooking with gas. But until the winds hit the sails with an announcement about test results, we can expect more blah blah from the basher community and rah rah from the pumpers. It all sounds like sails flapping.

But this is a temporary condition. All sorts of things are lining up and we just might see the perfect storm.

This ship is still at anchor, but it is a perfect time to load up. Wish I had more dinaro.


10/31/14 7:14 PM

#103167 RE: Its_lose_not_loose #103135

WOW!!! That fizzle call sure turned out to be devastating for NNVC. A week ago it closed at 3.40 and today 3.82. That sure looks like a fizzle to me ROFL. Pffffiiiiiiiiiizzzzzzzzzzzzllllllllll!!!

I'm not predicting that today ends up in the red, but if it does, I think NewMoney's fizzle call could be considered accurate.


10/31/14 7:36 PM

#103168 RE: Its_lose_not_loose #103135

last shares @ 3.95 so a big up day!