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Dragon Lady

10/31/14 12:54 PM

#11789 RE: Gsdubb #11788

Dubb, just as one more "interesting" point- look at the Asher link, thread built by these I-HUB members.

Notice, it's not like the Asher guy (Curt Kramer, I think it is), not like he's an unknown or something (that I-hub member, and it was a while ago, linked "Asher" at that time to 800 plus "deals", imagine the money involved and "fees" alone he's making?) I'll bet the SEC and every legal agency related to stocks know this guy like the back of their hands. He, and similar guys like him always have some long trail- like they first set-up firm XYZ 15 yr ago, then it got shut down and maybe fined a few bucks, now he created his new firm ABC and has set up shop across town, or maybe across a state line in NJ or something with his ole partner Bob Smith or whoever. They're usually as slippery as Teflon IMO.

You know what I mean? It reminds me of the same problems local law enforcement have. They'll tell you like 80% or more of the crimes in your local area are done by the same 10% or maybe 15% of dudes who all go through the revolving door. Difference with places like an Asher is they're making to much freaking money, that "if" they are skirting any law(s), they have an army of the finest attorneys money can buy, so they have every "i" dotted and "t" crossed and even if they get a legal filing against them, they just tie it up in "motions" and legal maneuvers for years and years usually, while they keep operating, hauling in truck loads of money.

It reminds me of the stories of how the FBI and law enforcement finally got some of the old mob dudes. EVERYONE knew these guys were guilty as sin of everything from murder to running crime rings to pretty much every kind of crime under the rotten sun. But they, the cops, district attorneys, even the Federal FBI could never seem to get the top guys; they'd arrest um, the dude would be bailed out in like 4 hours via a lawyer with a suitcase full of cash, then they'd file legal appeals and he'd walk free in days. They always had layers of small time guys to take the rap, never letting the trail lead directly to them at the top, so it was very tricky to pin them directly to any one crime.

What ended up happening was some Federal bull dog cops, FBI type guys had enough of it with these "crime bosses" making a mockery of them. So they got "creative" and figured you can't nail um head on, they're more slippery than Teflon (think Asher IMO, as slippery probably as it gets, also you can't always blame them, they are often, walking a fine line of exploiting laws, legal laws passed by congress, that make shorting 100% legal and numerous other activities that may seem "wrong", but "technically" are legal on Wall St. if you follow a fine line), so they, the FBI and Federal and State's attorneys went "creative" and started looking for any law, no matter how obscure they could get these mafia guys on. Movies have been made about it. Long story short- don't know if you remember the history, but they ended up bringing down some of the biggest players using things like the IRS (tax laws) and the POSTAL SERVICE, interstate wire laws, money laundering stuff. So rather than put the dude away for murder, they got him locked up long enough for like an IRS or money wire transfer crime, put him away long enough that they figured he'd die in prison or emerge an old, broken dude at best.

There's a couple of info-mercial dudes of similar fame. The Feds or whoever would shut the guy down for hocking some vitamin "cure" scam. He'd do a little time, pay some fines, but still have like $20 million in the bank when he got out. He was barred by the court from ever doing info-mercials specifically related to selling "vitamins or health blah, blah" for life. So what's he do? He shows right back up on TV, selling FREAKING BOOKS, cause a book per the legal definition was not what he was barred from selling. Amazing.,,20536466,00.html

So imagine if that guy can pull that off, imagine what the SEC is up against with these real, real smart finance dudes, teams of lawyers, electronic networks that move at light speed, billions and billions of shares traded at 100's of firms, it's daunting.

I think the SEC has to very carefully pick their targets, they go for the big ones of course, the Enrons and MCI and ole Berrnie Madhoff (spelling?).

Then, for the small stuff, like that link to the SEC suspension/halt page, they use automated tech now that scans SEC filings, looks for mismatches, they do rely on some tips sent in like you're talking about - and then they slap the smaller players with "suspensions" and "halts" and stuff, figuring it'll gum up the works of their trading and reputations enough, that maybe they just die out and/or go out of business on their own, w/o an expensive prosecution needed.

That's sorta how it works IMO, from reading and watching it for years. I'm certain the SEC guy/office you called, they'd like to shut down a 100 places tomorrow if they could, and I'm sure they know what you're talking about is going on, they just don't have the people, time, money and legal means to do it, so they pick their battles very selectively and then hope that FINRA and DTC, transfer agents, and other "gatekeepers" also keep things at least semi on the up and up, as "fair" and "legal" markets are supposed to be what makes America different.

Again, my 2 cents. I think you're probably 100% correct that "something", at least at times, is at best "amiss" in these trades and the seemingly amazing ability to control these "run ups" then rapid collapses, then see vol dry up near instantly to nothing, etc. Problem is, what exactly is "it" that's causing "it" and how do you pin it down and find the "it", and then pin "it" to a specific law being broken, etc?