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10/31/14 10:27 AM

#142760 RE: jmhgolf #142759

Where have I gone wrong?

That depends .. I do DD and i'm very happy with the future of GDSM . I know the future is not what today might say it is .. I know this because of DD . The threshold of Risk/Reward that can be handled is at a level where I'm still very happy . If that changes I won't cry I'll leave ..;-)
one year ago would not tell anyone where we would be now .. Like it or not it all depends on the quality of DD . Right now I'm very happy ;-)

I just wish there were more unhappy ones to sell at 3 .. There doesn't seem to be any .. Hmmm only flipping .. Looks like we're in good shape ;-)


10/31/14 12:16 PM

#142767 RE: jmhgolf #142759

I don't think you have gone wrong jmhgolf. But during 2015 Mike will most likely lock down a few more deals including (hopefully!) something in the GROW facility arena and CBD Oil business. If and when we are GROWING MJ, revenues will launch to where we would ALL like to see them. At $9 mil per acre, I am expecting Mike to get GDSM into that realm soon! So sadly, we might still be waiting another year or 2 before we see the massive gains we all want and need so badly. As long as we don't see an R/S I am confident. Happy Halloween everyone!! GDSM!!!!