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10/30/14 10:54 PM

#53418 RE: futtes #53415

Ask Gander. TV as a few of us have...I believe the shows obviously needed better content and some acting ..the response I got as well as they are still with Gander. TV still but no info on next shows...also Nash just finished resent both had acting lessons...

Did you see Gander. TV ratings are really shaping up over last three weeks...nice and steady daily..

If you have issue sell and move on...I see growth!


10/31/14 7:19 AM

#53429 RE: futtes #53415

Not really. This is how new businesses work. Ideas form and relationships established. Those ideas are then tested and refined. You don't just keep hammering out a product that needs to be refined. You test and refine. This is also why you saw a limited promotion of C&N as Nash was doing shows. They wanted to test organic interest, format, etc. You take steps back and get it right. A pump and dump would throw the crap on the it to death... Charge what they could and remain short sighted.

I'll say it until I'm blue in the face... AXCG doesn't care about share price or maximizing revenues or profits in 2014. Anyone that thinks they should would make it about 5 seconds in business. I've started or been a part of multiple startups. It's NEVER a vertical path especially when working in a new space.