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10/30/14 11:12 PM

#12959 RE: al44 #12958

Good sleuthing found 147 and "possibily" as many as 1400 in the entire state of North Carolina (Population north of 9,848,000 - thats Nine Million Eight Hundred and 48 thousand people).

Breitbart news might even find a few North Carolinians who've traveled to the Continent of Africa to further support their mission...math and geography not their long suite.

Playing to fear mongering and ignorance is their job.


10/31/14 12:03 AM

#12960 RE: al44 #12958

James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas released a new video exposing campaign officials condoning voter fraud in North Carolina.

Well, when it comes from James O'keefe, you can bet it's total horseshit! The guy is a psychopath. Did you see his neurosis on full display in CO??

James O’Keefe Looks For Voter Fraud In Colorado, Finds Nothing. Again.

Ever since we heard the news that James O’Keefe had launched a voter fraud scavenger hunt in Colorado, we’ve been eagerly waiting, as we’re sure you have, Wonketteers, for his latest video to drop. Now that we’ve had a chance to see the highlight reel of O’Keefe’s Rocky Mountain Mustache Caper, purporting to show Democratic Sen. Mark Udall’s “advocates” standing by while an army of fraudulent voters gear up to steal the election, we have to say we’re a little disappointed.

We are sure our dear readers will be shocked to learn that the actual product of O’Keefe’s investigation, despite being edited to O’Keefe’s maximum advantage, lacks any evidence of voter fraud and instead appears to show O’Keefe talking about all the crimes he can’t wait to commit, along with a couple of specific instances of stupidity by people who have no power over the electoral process and who consistently show an alarming lack of motivation to engage in fraud themselves.

Before heading into the wilds of Boulder, O’Keefe sits for a Very Serious Interview with Colorado Secretary of State Scott Gessler, a frustrated voter suppressionist who worried at a recent voter suppression luncheon hosted by the Heritage Foundation that the postal service is quite possibly “the greatest vehicle for disenfranchisement in the country.”

Sensing the paranoid wing nut who runs Colorado’s elections is a kindred spirit, O’Keefe reveals that he too is haunted by the dangers faced by little ballots out there, all alone, after being mailed to homes that don’t want them.


10/31/14 12:23 AM

#12961 RE: al44 #12958

You should be embarrassed to post such garbage. Do you have any idea who James O'Keefe is????????

James O'Keefe is back, and still isn't finding voter fraud

Conservative videotape-editor James O'Keefe is still around, apparently, and is still hard at work trying to get people to commit crimes so he can film them. But it's still not working, because there's just not many people in the world as crooked as he is.

Last Tuesday, a man who appeared to be in his 20s showed up at a Democratic field office in Boulder wanting to volunteer to help elect Udall and Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colo.), according to a Democratic staffer who met with him and asked not to be identified. [The man] mentioned polls showing the race between Udall and Gardner was tight, and he asked the staffer if he should fill out and mail in ballots for other college students who had moved away but still received mail on campus. The Democratic staffer says he told Davis that doing this would be voter fraud and that he should not do it.

"I am a professor now" disguise appears to be a costume shop mustache—nobody ever accused O'Keefe of putting much work into these things) presumably to get more footage of the office refusing to commit crimes. Then they moved on to a Colorado nonprofit.

Fenberg says, O'Keefe and his friends contacted New Era's Fort Collins office to set up an in-person meeting and identified themselves as activists affiliated with Rocky Mountain Vote Pride. The three men arrived carrying Udall campaign literature, Fenberg notes, but a New Era organizer met them outside the office's front door and refused to let them enter with the Udall materials. Outside groups such as New Era cannot coordinate with political campaigns, and Fenberg says he believes O'Keefe and his collaborators "were trying to establish evidence we were working together."

When New Era's staffers began taking pictures of O'Keefe (including the photo embedded at left), Fenberg says, O'Keefe and a colleague went to their car and returned with a large video camera and a microphone. "If you want to take photos of us, we'll take photos of you," O'Keefe said, according to Fenberg, and the New Era staffers closed the door while O'Keefe and his friend tried to push it open and stick their microphone inside. Fenberg says New Era filed a police report about the incident.

I see O'Keefe still makes no pretensions at actual journalism, having found a lovely niche as yet another dedicated crafter of fakery and propaganda. I see also that O'Keefe seems to consider voter outreach groups to be the bane of all conservative America. Here's a fellow who could infiltrate a Columbian drug cartel with his top-notch mustache disguises, and let us earnestly hope he gives it a go, but instead he has spent years of his life trying to find voter fraud, and failing, and concluding from this not that voter fraud is indeed vanishingly rare but that what's needed here is to edit footage together to pretend the fraud exists anyway. Here is a lad for whom the modern conservative movement was invented. He watched Fox News, he read Drudge, he saw Andrew Breitbart bullshitting his way to low-tier hero status, and he took from all of that the obvious lesson that the News is whatever you say it is, and the Facts are whatever the people paying you want them to be.

can't ask for a better poster child for the movement. A self-satisfied fraud who rails against imaginary conspiracies that he cannot find, but always suspects. A "journalism" outfit that unapologetically fakes its stories outright. A child Rovian whose central political motivations revolve not around specific policy, but around the uncomfortable thought that poor people or minorities might in the future find it easier to vote than it was in the much preferred past, who makes it his personal mission to torch the offices of any enablers of such things. He is the love child of Fox News "journalism" and bitter white resentment at Those People, and he has got the conservative id pegged.


10/31/14 12:28 AM

#12962 RE: al44 #12958


James O'Keefe

Mugshot of James O'Keefe upon his arrest in Louisiana.

James O'Keefe describes himself as an investigative journalist and filmmaker.[1] He specializes in "sting" operations, where he or his associates secretly videotape the subjects of his investigations - this often results in the victim saying something incriminating or embarrassing. O'Keefe's investigations have thus far been exclusively focused on doing heavily-slanted attack pieces against organizations or individuals considered to be liberal, and these efforts have made him a conservative media favorite.'Keefe


10/31/14 2:19 PM

#12965 RE: al44 #12958

James O'Keefe?'re kidding, right?