Again you mention "technical" reasons, yet your posts RAERLY, if ever, mention technical reasons. Instead, you mention management, Authorized Shares, deals or lack thereof, and a bunch of just strange implications (like when you asked "What kind of businessman goes by Chip"?). I find it interesting to see that you also say CC is fundamentally a non-issue. IMO, you really haven't a clue, and, hoping to slinging enough manure at the wall, you hope some might stick, and you can say you were right. You have gone from being interesting to being just plain amusing now. What happened to that ".008 is a lock" talk from just this morning? And don't say your information has changed, because nobody will buy that.
Posted by: big_money_insiders
In reply to: None
Date:4/20/2006 9:31:32 AM
Post #of 155469
Chart showing the .008 range is a lock without major news.
Still would not touch this until after the Quarterly filing.