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hello darlin

10/30/14 3:34 PM

#10900 RE: BingBing90 #10899

Where can I but some of those rose colored glasses? There was nothing invalid about my perspective or conclusion about this stock and it's business practices. It's pretty clear you don't have answer for my question, neither did they. And yeah, it's pretty clear they could care less about past/present/future R/S's and the SH that hold the bag. You are right, they care about money. But so do I and hate being lied to. Just because a CEO has a nice smile and good game doesn't mean they won't screw you over the 1st chance they get!
I'm not going to be able to get you to see eye to eye on this. My point is and has been, how do these business practices change if the same person is in the loop making decisions?