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10/31/14 7:15 AM

#3272 RE: MtnManMike #3271

Frustrations are mounting!

Any real investors in YGYI whether you have just bought in earlier this year or long term merger/pre merger days all have to be feeling the same major disappointment with stock performance! Management has done a great job growing revenue since merger 3 1/2 years ago from $30 something million to my estimates of approaching $140 million this year. How have shareholders benefited from this impressive growth? NOT AT ALL!!!! YGYI has basically flat lined since bottoming out from hyped up Scott Pumper highs. 3 1/2 years YGYI has been stuck between closing lows of .15 to highs of .36 and here we are near the lows again! I am tired of buying the dips!!! Although I will one more time next week as I feel this is a great opportunity below .20 to take advantage of weak hands causing another big drop.

I have made it very clear to John Zervis and CEO Wallach along with CFO Briskie that they need to step up for shareholders or selling pressure will really kick in as patience wears thin. I recommend you email Briskie and Wallach and John Zervis with your concerns, trust me they do read emails. Those here that know me are aware I am a major YGYI shareholder and also have a very large group of people that combined own more stock than I do. Fact is.......we all are losing patience with pathetic stock performance and will not sit forever with dead money while missing many other opportunity's out there.

IMO management are working hard and are very ethical people that would never run a "pump" nor do I want them too. That being said, YGYI does need massive exposure to bring in a new pool of investors consistently. More investor conferences need to be done, more analyst coverage could help, interviews on radio or print articles, whatever it takes to "tell their great story." This stock has no support, the slightest selling drives stock back to lows! This needs to change immediately! Get the dam distributers buying stock, there are many making a real good living with Youngevity and if they are believers that Youngevity will be a billion dollar company, WHY AREN'T THEY BUYING STOCK???

I am giving them 4 more quarters to address these issues and start making progress improving volume and of course share price. After Q2 2015 if this merry go round is still running at .16 to .30 than back down then it may be time for me to consider slowly exiting. I say slowly because I don't have any other option with such a large position and such pathetic volume. That being said I am optimistic come 2015 Q2 conference call YGYI will be in a much better situation. Management has heard from me and my investment group often the past month or so and are aware of what needs to be done. They will take necessary steps to improve situation.......we hope!!! For now it takes a great deal of intestinal fortitude and big balls to get through this seemingly never ending merry go round to nowhere. Not all will stay onboard, those that get through this I believe will be rewarded.