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10/30/14 10:56 AM

#18793 RE: gary122 #18790 crystal ball says....when new CEO is announced, anticipated China deal announced with revenue projections, Bonnie buy recommendation...etc...

IMHO...would expect them to be close together...

you are right on the second...but more than you, less than others :) big enough


10/30/14 1:35 PM

#18804 RE: gary122 #18790

I had a large bet here, but have been gradually paring my holdings. Two reasons, admittedly both indicate faulty thinking on my part.

First, when I started buying (1 1/2 years ago), I thought I was buying a company with patents for a smoking cessation product, regulating tar, nicotine whatever, that would be the focus and I thought that was a great thing and I wanted to be a part of it. But now it turns out that will be way down the road and what we have here now, actually, is an upscale product for people to kill themselves with and I want less part of it.

Second, it's very hard to figure this out with all of the HTFBS hoopla and Chardan hyping - it makes it impossible to guess where we actually should be. Watch it - when the new issue comes out, it will be very supportive, there will be a retail buying frenzy driving share price up, then the smart shorts (of which I am neither) will move in, savvy publishers will sell and it will descend somewhere back to where it might possibly should be.

"Cigarettes don't kill people, smoking cigarettes kills people."