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10/29/14 7:26 PM

#142 RE: KaiserSoze #140

Hi KaiserSoze, welcome to the board.
It is a bit dumbfounding that we find ourselves at .14 cents today... feels like just last month I was cashing a few thousand dollar dividend cheque courtesy of Sam - oh right, it was last month - literally!

I think unfortunately they over promised and under delivered for a few years and seemed to use the dividend like a carrot at the end of a stick. they promised a few things with a few different timelines that never seemed to pan out...everything always took longer then they lead folks to believe and a lot of longs started to lose confidence in the idea of ever getting a dividend amongst other things.

now, besides increasing reserves and extending mine life through their self funded drill program they have done what they said they would do.

I think SAM on paper doesn't look bad. profitable. dividend paying. debt free. money in the bank, tons of unexplored land makes for great opportunities. they have a self funded drill program on the go which hopefully helps with extending proven/probably reserves. they have a lot more going for them then most junior minors. I feel like we need some major publicity/promo in order to make sure people are aware of our little engine that could because most people just don't seem to have ever heard of them.

I too, believe that SAM should be trading considerably higher which is why i still hold the shares that I do and have never sold any.