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10/29/14 2:10 PM

#18217 RE: Gingras58 #18216

Gingras blunder 1: he signs contract Intas 2011 to develop Viropro clone Rituxan. Intas gets Rituxan approved in India 2013 and has robust sales. The contract is so flawed Viropro gets no money for royalties and receives no money on contract.
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10/29/14 2:24 PM

#18218 RE: Gingras58 #18216

Gingras blunder 2. Viropro owns100% of BPD. Gingras let's Scot Brown, Mrs Scot Brown and Jeff Hale write and sign their own contracts. Total contracts including lease luxury sports car Scot Brown over $500,000 at a time when BPD losing $500,000 a year. CT takes over visits BPD asks for accounting and all 3 quit. The remaining staff 3 keep things running fine without missing step. 2013 BPD no longer losing money. Jeff Hale sues on his contract and gets award $250,000. Attaches bank account BPD. CT negotiates settlement $66,000; but must sell equipment to pay $66,000. BPD defunct. It was Gingras as Chief Financial Officer letting Scot Brown act as if BPD was still his company instead of fact that he sold it to Viropro reason BPD is gone.
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10/29/14 2:45 PM

#18220 RE: Gingras58 #18216

Gingras blunder number 3: Bepractical posted asking price for AlphaBiologics 2.9 million dollars. With the equipment worth about 5 million 2011. However due to outstanding mortgage on building and equipment Alpha was under water with no equity. Furthermore AlphaBiologics has millions in liabilities. Gingras as CFO gives SH 525 million shares for all shares Alpha. Gingras thinks Alpha separate corporation and Viropro holding company. The legal reality is Viropro is parent company and now has millions of dollars in liabilities and no equity. The significance of this will become clear in few months when AlphaBiologics creditors force Viropro into involuntary Bankrupcy. At this point Alpha has just been seized and Viropro has nothing for the 525 million shares. The other shoe is about to fall. In 2011 the Viropro shares .04 worth 21 million dollars. The Malaysians told Gingras worth 21 million. There was no independent appraisal. If they did appraisal find worth 5 million. If did audit of Alpha would find that no net value as debt greater than value.
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12/18/15 10:35 PM

#22596 RE: Gingras58 #18216

Claude, as a past director, are you able to sell your shares now or do you have to wait for audited financials. Do you know if Serge got his 100 million shares he stated was owed to him? Have you spoken to anyone in the company? Do you think Bank Pemanguan sp will go after Viropro for the foreclosure of Alpha and do you know anything about the stamp duty that was never paid when Springhill sold Alpha to Viropro.

Hope to hear from you Serge