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04/21/06 3:25 AM

#5750 RE: ekythump #5749

ndoltrdr-"The evaluation of these (AURC's Russian GOLD reserves totaling 7.1 million ounces) properties were done by RSM Top-Audit," per the PRs which can be found at the TOP of this page in the information box. (I cant't understand why so many people fail to see this information when supposedly conducting their DD - perhaps it should be BLINKING text to draw attention???)

RSM Top-Audit is SAME audit firm which conducted NDOL's audit. In fact, it was through their work with Parkin on NDOL that RSM Top-Audit apparently decided Parkin to be a man of integrity and capability, and offered him the opportunity to become CEO of AURC when taken public.

AURC's corporate web site has been "under construction" since at least January of 2006, and is a source of much angst for some AURC investors since it has been alledged that Parkin has "promised" that the new AURC website would be publised by "next week" for many weeks now.

However, seasoned AURC investors point out that Parkin has been strecthed too thin, and has been concentrating his efforts on the rapidly evolving situation with NDOL - with the latest "distraction" being NDOL's unsolicited buyout offer. This is understandable (but frustarting) as NDOL is the the underwriting consulting firm's primary concern, as AURC's opportunity was presented to Parkin & company as a "reward" for their compitent management of NDOL being taken public.

Investors would be VERY wise to hold patiently for AURC's to develop too, as we can assume it will mirror the success that NDOL is beginning to achieve in the not too distant future. (imho)