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10/27/14 11:03 AM

#10445 RE: Voices of Reason #10430

Haha okay voice of reason...DoMark would receive an estimated average of 5.25% commission after the media partner takes 50%. Andrew has stated the commission from each sale could range anywhere between 6 - 15 percent depending on the retailer. So we'll meet in the middle and we'll say an average of 10.5% commission from each sale. And 50% of 10.5 is 5.25 which isn't very far from my original 7%. And it still puts DoMarks annual revenue at $882,000 a year...which is a very very low estimate!

And btw, I can guarantee you Wazzamba understands the initial challenges DoMark is facing getting up and running. There are millions and millions of items and hundreds of retailers being loaded onto the website. Clearly Wazzamba understands there have been a few set backs. Agreements and contracts can always be modified and deadlines can always be extended. Trust me, Wazzamba wants simbadeals to be a success and it will be.