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10/26/14 4:26 PM

#38341 RE: YoungBuckTrader #38340

Highly doubtful - Makmann and Purdon have moved on to a mining scam over at GEGI.

It looks just like this scam.

This scam is over, out of gas.

It always was a scam. No matter what anyone thought of EMF, QEDN never really had anything to do with it - because of the funding clause of the agreement, which QEDN has never, ever come through on.

EMF turned out to be a dry hole too - everything they were doing was illegal. They counted on a law getting passed this November, it got canned instead.

Now, Purdon and Makmann are trying to sell a mine scam, involving a mine operated by a real piece o' work who never paid anyone for their services, had all their equipment taken back, and were made to fill in the hole by the BLM and MHSA.

Just like this scam, they've given themselves and the previous mine owner a boatload of shares, which they'll try to unload on the latest crop of lemmings.

Same thing will happen again with this POS, probably in January after the SP hits bottom due to tax writeoffs.