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10/25/14 5:02 PM

#55509 RE: trading_cyclist #55507

True TC. Hopefully the positive vibes about the three molecules (including Nmole) coming from left and right will slowly make its way into the minds of institutionals. Pona's evolution as outlined by Amp is working its way towards 2nd and first line eventually and hopefully. The rest of pona's indications will follow suit after that. We see/hear nothing but positives on 113, be it patients or doctors or researchers. And this coming Nmole is the big hombre. It may turn out to be an ado about nothing. But the hint they were giving led some science guys to believe that the new molecule may use the basic scaffold/schematics of ponatinib to come up with another inhibitor, leading some to speculate that it could be choline kinase inhibitor. We'll find out in the next two months...jmo.