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10/25/14 12:23 AM

#75242 RE: dougwur #75230

I beg to differ. Can you list here these palliative treatments? The only thing I know of is to pack one's mouth with ice chips while not being able to eat and drink without extreme pain. Maybe this was not a problem for your dental patients, but it is a severe problem for those with head and neck cancers and stem cell and bone marrow transplants - all those who have had their immune systems completely knocked out by radiation and chemotherapy.

No Whoops, as a retired dentist I can tell you oral mucositis is not a life threatening or dehabilitating disease.
There are palliative treatments available that allow people to get past any temporary discomfort.


10/25/14 3:33 PM

#75292 RE: dougwur #75230

That is not the way I've heard OM described. For some people OM is apparently so painfully debilitating that they stop taking their cancer treatment. That sounds life threatening and debilitating to me.

As to it not being a big money maker... The only drug currently approved to treat oral mucositis is only approved for a small subset (~5%) of OM patients. It reportedly cost $10,000. How could a treatment that works for the other ~95% of patients not be a big money maker?

No Whoops, as a retired dentist I can tell you oral mucositis is not a life threatening or dehabilitating disease. There are palliative treatments available that allow people to get past any temporary discomfort.
Not a big money maker for CTIX, but who cares! - dougwur


10/25/14 3:50 PM

#75294 RE: dougwur #75230

Doug, this is the type of OM related to treatment of head and neck cancer patients. Very severe ulcerations with few treatment options that is why the company is using placebo in the trial. Its not your typical OM.