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Y U Axing Me

10/24/14 11:36 AM

#49744 RE: tundra1 #49743

You are wrong. ARSC will still be trading. What was filed is them telling the SEC that they are no longer going to make filings with the SEC. That's all. However, you normally don't do that if you have high hopes for the company.


10/27/14 1:45 PM

#49753 RE: tundra1 #49743

Ok, do I read correctly, they just put this on shelf. No more trading, correct? tell me I am wrong. TIA

You can trade arsc as long as stay a public company on pink listing. If arsc gets De-listed from OTCM completely for filing and problems, then you own stock in basically a private company and can still trade in personal arrangements or one on one through a broker. If arsc gets Revoked, then your stock is worthless as the ticker no longer can be traded and is deemed unavailable to arsc as a ticker.

Deregistered with SEC = continued trading on the open market with MM's

De-listed from listings/exchanges - private transaction and one/one brokerage trading, and or on the gray market...

Revoked - stock is garbage, the cert isn't worth the excrement on it's last good usage.